GDPR Compliance-Things to Expect from Your CMS Vendor

May 2, 2018

Reading time about 3 minutes

If you are a business owner having a website of your own, then you must have heard about GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and how important it is to make your website compliant with it before it comes into effect on 25th May 2018. It’s kind of a big deal as non-compliant companies will have to pay heavy fines. You can look back at Kentico 11 EMS’s consent tracking capability that can make your GDPR compliance easy. In this blog, we will learn about the things that must expect from your CMS vendor to help in getting your sites on the up and keeping your legal fees down.

As many companies rely on Enterprise Content Management Solutions to manage their sites, there is a lot of questions that arise on what needs to be done and by whom. CMS, being the trusted platform for your business is at the core of GDPR compliance journey. That’s why it is important to know if your CMS platform is prepared for the new laws and regulations.

Here are the things you need to look for from CMS vendor when it comes to GDPR:

1. GDPR Preparation

Your CMS platform should have a great understanding of the new GDPR regulations, how and where user’s data is being stored within their systems. It means analyzing every single code within the platform and documenting what is being stored and where. CMS vendor should not only be able to track any deadlines but also understand how the new law will affect them as a software provider and the businesses using it.

2. Data Access

Companies implementing sites with the CMS should be able to provide their users with access to their personal data, complete information and capability to export data in any file formats. The process to access data should be easy, thereby reducing challenges a company will face in trying to stick to the new rules. Your CMS vendor should have easily viewable data repositories to help you become GDPR compliant & provide the ability to get consents, data request and forget a user if needed.

3. Personalized Solutions

As every business is different from one another, users’ data collected or stored will be different, which is why a custom GDPR solution is the best option. To serve your individual GDPR needs, you must ensure that your CMS is up to the task and has GDPR-ready interfaces to create solutions when it comes to user’s data. Having a flexible and scalable API in CMS will overcome the burden of getting sites up to code.

4. Trustworthiness

Since the concept of GDPR regulations is new and may be exhaustive, it will take lots of time to plan and understand what exactly you need to do and when. Having a trusted partner will reduce the load and ensure that nothing important gets missed. Make sure that you choose the effective CMS platform that has not only made an investment in you and your success but is also ready to provide all the detailed information when required and always there to help.

Apart from all the functionalities and features a CMS offers, what’s most important is to figure out how well your organization can use it to achieve your business goals. Though the above points will give you an idea about the expectations from your CMS vendor, it doesn’t cover all the things. It certainly will help in starting your adventure of GDPR compliance. Make sure that you choose the right Kentico CMS System for a successful website journey and GDPR-complaint future.