Top Augmented Reality Trends You Must Be Aware of in 2024 

Top Augmented Reality Trends You Must Be Aware of in 2024 

February 12, 2024

Reading time about 6 minutes

Though the concept of Augmented Reality is not new anymore, we can admit that it has made a huge impact with serious advancements in recent years. Augmented Reality trends have shown that technology is evolving fast and is disrupting various industries whether it’s healthcare, gaming, insurance, education and more. 

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Many businesses have already started leveraging Augmented Reality App Development solutions for their business operations for better customer experiences. In this blog, we will learn about the augmented reality trends that we can expect in 2024 and find out how they can benefit your business.   

1. Artificial Intelligence with AR 

Artificial Intelligence is one such technology that has been closely tied to AR as yes AI models become more efficient in performing tasks like face or room scanning as compared to human-based algorithms.  

There are many important tasks that AI is helping to enhance AR experiences such as building realistic human models or object scans, Object detection and labelling where virtual objects are placed on real-world objects for better AR interactions and text recognition and translation where users point their camera at text and get it translated in real-time. 

2. Metaverse with AR Technologies 

Another trending technology is metaverse and it is getting associated with AR to unlock new potential in bridging real and virtual worlds. Apple’s Vision Pro headset is one such example.  

The future of social Augmented Reality is now marked by a gradual transition from cartoon-like avatars to realistic ones, which enable more natural AR experiences. Apple has demonstrated this technology in recent announcements for Apple Vision Pro, where the avatars called Spatial Personas use ML to display more realistic body language and face tracking than before. 

3. Rise of Mobile Augmented Reality 

AR app developers are now making use of AR technologies on mobile devices to accomplish many tasks like navigation and scene analysis. Businesses now rely on mobile AR for many tasks such as remote assistance, training, product visualization, etc.  

For instance, we can talk about Android AR reality, AR Core that enables access to the geometry of buildings and terrain within a 100mm radius. This allows developers to build experiences that interact with buildings and terrain in AR apps. 

4. WebAR- AR Experiences in Web Browser 

Here, we will talk about WebAR, which is a different approach where simpler AR experiences are provided using a web browser compatible with most devices having a camera.  

Though WebAR solutions may not be as powerful as native mobile AR apps, the accessibility provided will be great. They can provide face filters, change your hair colour, objects background replacement and 3D objects on any device regardless of hardware, which is very beneficial. 

5. Cross-Platform AR Apps 

Many companies provide AR experiences to attract more and more customers but some challenges may arise like different platforms with different limitations and capabilities, expensive to build AR experiences, cross-platform development tools for AR may not achieve the quality as native apps. 

Cross-platform apps are best for apps that are not very complicated, which means if you need an app that needs better quality features and more power, you must go for a native app. For instance, if you plan to build an online store where 90% of functionality is not platform dependent or has a simple product preview module in AR you can go for cross-platform AR. 

6. Wearable AR Experiences  

The next thing we will talk about is the changes in the wearable augmented reality industry. An example is Apple Vision Pro, which may be quite expensive but is making a significant milestone in the road to the future of AR headsets.  

The best thing about Apple Vision Pro is the theme of wearable augmented reality experiences where users can generate a screen and use apps from their computer anywhere they want. Apart from that, they can watch a movie on a giant screen from anywhere in the house. As AR headsets take us to a new era of interfaces, spatial computing is a need for us to help interact naturally with those machines. 

7. AR in the Marketing Sector 

Talking about marketing and promotions, augmented reality business cards, user manuals and product demonstrations are gaining huge popularity that can transform into immersive experiences.  

Using AR in marketing enables AR app developers to help businesses stand out from the competition by building AR business cards and promoting their services in a great way. Another example is an AR user guide for a coffee machine, which will help users better understand how to operate the device.  

8. Immersive Navigation Experiences  

The next thing that we will talk is about creating immersive navigation experiences for indoor and outdoor environments. This future of AR navigation may come with some challenges. 

Indoor navigation is largely limited by its own positioning constraints. For instance, we can create an AR indoor navigation system which will not be able to lead the customer to a specific product on the store shelf but can indicate the direction to the correct department where the customer can find the required product. This will rely on approaches like Beacons, Markers and VPS.  

When we talk about positioning in outdoor navigation, it has better benefits as GPS can provide perfect positioning in most environments except for issues like limited GPS access in rural areas or urban areas with dense skyscrapers. Google and Apple have implemented VPS (Visual Positioning System) in their AR platforms that compare databases of street view images to locate a user’s position before generating AR directions in the scene.   

Closing Statement

We can see that Augmented Reality technologies will continue to impact several business processes in the years to come. In a study conducted by Statista, the total value of AR and VR technologies was $15.3 bn & is estimated to grow up to $198 bn by 2025. Another study even found that 70% of customers believed that AR can help by providing them exclusive perks, which means business needs to get ready to meet these demands and contribute to AR development solutions. 

If you are planning to work with a Top AR App Development Company, Clavax can be the right partner that can help you achieve your vision of success with AR capabilities. Connect with our experts to integrate AR into your business processes and deliver exceptional customer experiences that meet evolving customer demands & business needs effortlessly.  

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