Top AI Chatbot Trends to Help Businesses in 2018

May 21, 2018

Reading time about 4 minutes

Artificial Intelligence is not just for big brands anymore. Thanks to the technology advances that have been responsible for the remarkable shift from conventional mobile app development to AI chatbots.Several innovative companies are focusing more on the user experience using AI technology to enhance daily operations and connect with clients easily. Gartner’s 2018 predictions state more than 50% of enterprises will be spending more on chatbots as compared to app development by 2021.

Here are some of the top trends of AI chatbots that will be useful for businesses in 2018:

  • Voice Bots
    Conversation-based interactions are likely to gain more popularity in 2018 than before. We have seen that many big brands like Google, Apple and Amazon are quite successful in providing voice assistant bots to consumers. Using voice bots, companies have been able to identify customer problems and resolve them with solutions efficiently at a much faster rate. Survey says 80% of brands are planning to use chatbots solutions for better customer service in next 36 months.
  • Blockchains & Crypto-Tokens
    The evolving trend of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. has led to the concept of Blockchain. Many chatbot players are now making use of this technology to transform the businesses. Kik, the messenger company started their crypto-token launched as KIP that collected around 100M $ to help in building the virtual economy within its messaging platform. Another example is Sensay that brought the Sense Token allowing its human network of advisors to use the bot and offer advice on matters related to relationships.
  • More Human-Like Chatbots
    Though Chatbots can give automated answers, users expect the conversation to be more human-like with quick responses offering the experience they are looking for. There are still many users that don’t like using chatbot as it was unable to answer queries efficiently like a human. In 2018, enterprises are more likely to employ chatbots that provide a personalized touch and experience through their customer engagement with the ability to easily interpret and respond to human’s natural speech.
  • Chatbot-Embedded Websites
    Another trend is websites that are integrated with chatbots, which will help in making it a helpdesk with zero wait time and raise the customer service level with more control over customized marketing, user experience strategy & sales activities. It not only provides an excellent source of user engagement but also make users feel comfortable while communicating with the brand to know any information regarding purchase or service.
  • Better Customer Insights
    As a reliable platform that helps in gaining customer insights, chatbots can enhance the marketing levels and customer interaction. All the conversations can be stored for assessment to make sure that chatbot gives answers to queries that may arise in future. We know marketing team uses analytics to extract information and act accordingly. In coming years, bots will be expected to start automating this process to improve themselves by learning from past experiences and enhance the capability to answer more questions.

Bottom Line

In just a few years, many companies will invest in the development of the AI technologies to get a better understanding of human languages. The creation of interactive bots will soon evolve and transform the way of doing businesses by becoming the standard for customer service. We know that adaptation of new technology depends on factors like reduced costs, higher demand & advanced technology. 10 years back, it was unimaginable for every small business to have its own app like they have now. It’s time to embrace the power of AI chatbot to revolutionize a new level of interaction with your clients to spur business growth faster. Take your business to new heights with an effective conversational chatbot and unfold the new possibilities in 2018.